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The Reba Family


A Study in Color   (2020)

What has MeCo been doing during the COVID19 pandemic? Even though we can't be on stage right now, we're still finding opportunities to perform, even if only from our living rooms. Check out these color portraits featuring MeCo founder Heather Megill Reba and her family. Bonus pics from other photo shoots over the years are below. Enjoy! 

"This series is honestly the best thing I’ve seen in a long time. It’s made me so happy! Thank you!"

-Robin R., Hamden, CT



"Next time I'm quarantining with your family."

-Debra W., San Diego, CA



"I could not love this more!"

-Janessa Z., Salt Lake City, UT 



"This. Is. Everything."

-Michael B., Los Angeles, CA


Like what you see? If you want MeCo to keep up their antics, please consider donating.

(MeCo is a 501c3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible.)

A Study in Fine Art    (2016)

A Study in Musicals (2011)

A Study in Film    (2015)

A Study in Felt (2010)

Keep the arts alive!   Consider a donation today.

(MeCo is a 501c3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible.)

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